Membership Information

The Blue Line Bass Club was created to give first responders of Central Texas an outlet to relieve stress and build camaraderie. On a day-to-day basis, first responders endure stressful situations and are challenged to deal with critical incidents.

The yearly membership for the club is $100.00. You must fish at least 6 club tournaments per calendar year in order to fish the 2 day Championship in October. Tournament fees are $80.00 per team, this includes the optional big bass. The 2 day Championship in October and Sponsors Tournament will be $100.00 per team, this includes the optional big bass of $10.00 per person. Open tournaments are TBD at a later date. 

To be a member of the Blue Line Bass Club, the current requirements are that you must be a first responder (law enforcement, fire, EMS, military police and retirees of any of the ones named) to join this club.

A first responder can bring a non responder to fish if they desire (certain rules apply). We would love for you to join and be a part of the stress free environment. We have been blessed to have an awesome group of sponsors that donate to our tournaments. As our gratitude to them, we have opened up our tournaments to our sponsors as well.

We look forward to seeing more teams and anticipate lots of fun.

Thank you!

Robert Townes